Thursday, November 20, 2008

Something to get excited about..

Since my last visit here, I've gone all the way to the other side of The Rockies, and came back. While in BC, a cousin got married, I drank more vodka than I have since high school, and I created some memories with my family that I am sure to treasure for a long time to come. The chats with my aunt and uncle are easily in the top 5 of that week.

School is getting more and more exciting for me. Taking the extra time to complete my degree is one of the best things that could have happened for me. I don't know if I would have ever been able to get so much out school if I never went to Italy. It seems like everything means so much more once you start really observing the world and stop obsessing over photo-realism. I have so much more fun now, and I love the end product.

My friends over at have been saying that there's so much emotion in my work now; something that was definitely missing even as little as a year ago. Everything works out in the end.

Today I was reminded, as my work has their little Christmas countdown going, that it's just around the bend. We're at about a month away, and it's time to cut myself off from things. Sadly, or happily, as Santa might drop it off.. I wandered over to James Jean's site the other day for some inspiration and to check out what the genius was up to, and discovered this little gem. Butterflies, I tell you! Butterflies! And not the kind gluten's been giving me.. bleh..


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